How to add bookmark button to your website!

Adding a bookmark or share button to your website is always recommended. Allowing visitors to share your website with other people online will help increase your website traffic and rankings with the search engines.

Adding a share button will allow others to share your website with many different social websites such as stumbleupon, myspace, facebook and blogger.
To be able to add a bookmark button to your website, you must follow the below steps. For a Microsoft Officelive website, follow the second set of add button instructions. An example of one of the bookmark buttons are shown above. There are many buttons to choose from.
Instructions for basic share button placement to most websites.
1. Go to (non-affiliate)
2. Open an account and create your button.
3. Copy and Paste the code into your website using your html editor.
Instructions for adding bookmark button to Microsoft Officelive websites!
1. Go to (non-affiliate)
2. Open an account (remember your login name)
3. Create your button
4. Go to your notepad on your computer. Mine is located when I hit my start button.
5. Insert your “login name” from addthis website into the code I provide below.
6. Copy the below code into your notepad and upload it to your document gallery that is on your officelive website.

Here is the code to insert in notepad and custom footer via officelive website:

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=”” version=”1.0″>
<xsl:output method=”text” omit-xml-declaration=”yes”/>
<xsl:template match=”/Footer”>
<!– AddThis Bookmark Button BEGIN –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
addthis_url    = location.href;
addthis_title  = document.title;
addthis_pub    = ‘YOURLOGINNAMEHERE’;
</script><script type=”text/javascript” src=”” ></script>
<!– AddThis Bookmark Button END –>
7. Go to your Microsoft OfficeLive webpage where you want your bookmark or share this button and click on where on the page you would like it. (At the top of the page is recommended.)
8. Go to site designer on Officelive webpage and hit insert custom footer.
9. Delete the code that is in the box and replace it with the code above. Remember to insert your login name from addthis website where it says “YOURLOGINNAMEHERE”that is in the code above.
10. Repeat steps 7-9 for each webpage that you want your bookmark button to be on your officelive website.
When you are editing your officelive or 365 website, you will not see the bookmark button. You will only see a empty blue box. This is okay because when you view your site, you and others will see and be able to use the share or bookmark button. If for any reason the steps above didn’t work for you, you can contact me and I will help you place a bookmark button on your website and web pages.

Now that you know how to add bookmark button to your website, you may be interested in adding other unique and helpful buttons and icons to your website.

Add buttons and icons to your website using this icons page.
Add a favicon to your website, to make it easier to recognize.

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